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The first thing is to be consider in livestock insurance is to kept and raised on farms animals for the purpose of selling them for a profit. Some of the animals are include cattle, bison, hogs, goats and sheep.

As such, pets are not covered by said insurance although there are certain types of animal insurance policies for this purpose.

Yet, there are another point that must be covered in your pet insurance plan is that livestock mortality insurance is to provided for the sole purpose of protecting the investments of the livestock owner in such assets; the coverage will not apply for potential gains and/or profits. Indemnity is payable under specific circumstances such as death from accidental and/or natural causes but not from government-mandated slaughter. Protection Is the Essence Why buy livestock insurance especially when modern tools, techniques and technologies have contributed to complex farming methods? The essence of animal insurance, as is true for other types of insurance like home, agriculture and business, is protection.

Raising livestock can still be an unpredictable endeavour with plenty of things that can go awry including but not limited to:

• Accidents involving the animals like electrocution, smoke inhalation in a fire, accidental shootings, falling objects and lightning strikes

• Animal attacks

• Loading and unloading incidents

• Explosions in the holding areas

• Natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and volcanic actions

• Civil unrest

• Theft and vandalism

• Damage while in transit With livestock insurance in place, the owners are protected from the monetary losses brought by the abovementioned causes. For example, majority of the cattle heads were wiped out by floods that ravaged many parts of Australia or by the large-scale cattle rustling. But it is not just the losses in livestock that livestock indemnity covers. Owners can also be protected against the high costs of lawsuits brought by the animals attacking humans or destroying property. For example, the cattle stampede injured several workers and destroyed neighbouring properties but the insurance will cover most of the costs involved.

Premiums Are Variable Livestock owners can choose from several types of insurance including:

• Mortality and theft

• Embryos and semen

• Transit

• Public and products liability

• Employers liability

Before choosing from one of these types of livestock insurance, livestock owners are well advised to discuss their options including the pros and cons (i.e., coverage, clauses, and costs) for each type. Keep in mind that a one-size-fits-all insurance policy is most likely not the best option because of your unique circumstances such as number of heads, location of the farm, and budget.

And speaking of budget, the premiums as well as terms and conditions for the insurance vary depending on factors like husbandry standards, animal health status, local disease status, and availability and quality of veterinary facilities. Again, it pays to discuss your options with your insurance agent at PetPlan, a company that offers livestock insurance in Australia.

This page was last edited on 28 September 2013, at 07:21.

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