HylaFAX 4.2.2 Release
HylaFAX Release NotesThe HylaFAX development team is pleased to announce our 4.2.2 patch level release! As always, our sincerest thanks go to all who participate and provide feedback.
The source code for the 4.2.2 release can be downloaded from: ftp://ftp.hylafax.org/source/hylafax-4.2.2.tar.gz
(md5: 356328a6289d0a26775f33d6bfb75368 1,438,894 bytes)
This document is intended to describe the significant differences between hylafax-4.2.2 and older releases, point out any known incompatibilities and issues, and provide the reader with directions to further resources regarding HylaFAX.
New Features
- faxgetty can now utilize more than two call identification tags
- color fax (JPEG) reception is now supported (requires updating libtiff and libjpeg)
- FaxModify makes pre-processing outbound fax images on the server easier
- numerous other enhancements and bug fixes (see CHANGES)
Known Issues
Please refer to HylaFAX Bugzilla for a detailed list of issues.
- Some modem config files generated from earlier versions’ config file prototypes may contain Class1TCFRecvHack. This is no longer desireable for production use, and this feature should now only be used for debugging purposes.
- Some of the CallID changes in this release required some reordering of the command-line parameters with which the DynamicConfig scripts were called. If you use DynamicConfig check your scripts after upgrading.
- TIFFs received prior to upgrading to this release will display their CIDName and CIDNumber information reversed (CallID2, CallID1) when examined with faxinfo.
- libtiff-3.6.1 is fatally flawed when dealing with Group 3 images. Don’t use it as-is. See: http://bugs.hylafax.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=500
Who Should Upgrade?
- For security reasons, everyone not yet using 4.2.1 should consider upgrading to this 4.2.2 release as soon as possible.
- New improvements in 4.2.2 with unexpected signal handling should benefit most Class 1/1.0 users (with or without ECM enabled).
- If using a modem with a newer Rockwell or Conexant chipset that indicates Class 1.0 support you may want to upgrade and re-run faxaddmodem to choose Class 1.0 in order to improve unexpected signal handling.
- If you regularly send fax batches (new in 4.2.0) you should upgrade to get the fixes in 4.2.2.
- If you wish to send multipage faxes with mixed page lengths you should upgrade (requires patching Ghostscript).
HylaFAX Binary Packages
Binary packages for some operating systems and platforms are available. Please see ftp://ftp.hylafax.org/binary/ and http://www.hylafax.org/howto/install.html#ss2.3.3 If you are able and willing to produce a binary package of HylaFAX for general distribution, then you are invited to join hylafax-devel@hylafax.org and solicit your binary package.
Commercial Support
iFAX Solutions, Inc. (http://www.ifax.com) provides commercial support to HylaFAX users. Single-incident and annual support options are available, as well as a variety of consulting services. Contact sales@hylafax.org for more information.
Free Support
HylaFAX has numerous public support resources available. The user is encouraged to utilize the manpage documentation before turning to other support arenas. However, if other support is desired, or if you would like to actively take part in the HylaFAX community, you are invited to:
Join and participate in a HylaFAX mailing list
See: http://www.hylafax.org/content/Mailing_Lists
When corresponding about this software, please always specify:
- what version of HylaFAX you have,
- what system you’re running on (if it is Linux please name the distribution)
- if the problem is modem-related, identify it and the firmware rev For example: “HylaFAX v4.0pl2 under RedHat Linux 4.2 with gcc 2.7.2; ZyXEL 1496E with 6.11a firmware.”
Read the on-line documentation and resources
See: https://www.hylafax.org/documentation/
Review HylaFAX CVS
See: https://www.hylafax.org/community/
Report confirmed bugs, feature requests, and submit patches
See: http://bugs.hylafax.org/bugzilla
The HylaFAX development team